Interested in a career in law enforcement? There are many different opportunities within the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office.

Have additional questions fill out the form to talk with a recruiter. 

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12-10-24 The Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office is currently accepting applications for the position of Deputy Sheriff Community Service Officer
Location: Onondaga County Justice Center, South State St., Syracuse, NY 13202

Salary: $38,660-$42,153

Hours of work: Variable, as it requires working shift, weekends and holidays
Official job description, including minimum qualifications, can be found on the Personnel page at
Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resume.

Name and address/email where applications/resumes should be directed:
Chief Maureen Murphy
407 South State Street
Syracuse, NY 13202


The Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office is seeking a qualified candidate to join their team as a Deputy Sheriff Community Service Officer. This is a sworn security support position that facilitates the operation of the Onondaga County Justice Center. The employee will support Custody staff members in carrying out the operations of a maximum security holding facility. Although the position works within a secured setting, it is not required to perform as a Deputy Sheriff (Custody) in the maintaining of security of the facility. It will function in several support areas such as Justice Center, Civic Center and County Office Building lobby control, Booking and Records, Property Control and related support services. Successful candidates will be subject to a polygraph examination, a comprehensive background investigation and fingerprinting. The cost of
fingerprinting is $88.75, which the candidate will be responsible for.

Minimum Qualifications
Open Competitive: One (1) year of full-time work experience, or its part-time equivalent, which must have included face-to-face contact with customers or the public. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT Successful candidate will be appointed provisionally and must take the corresponding Civil Service exam, scheduled for a later date, and place high enough on the list to qualify for permanent appointment.
Accepting applications until the position is filled.
Onondaga County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer